Jul 25, 2012

How Pepper Spray Works

Also referred to as an OC or capsicum spray, pepper spray is a very effective inflammatory agent that can easily irritate the eyes and result in pain, temporary blindness, and tears.  Pepper spray is an organic based agent that comes from cayenne peppers.  The spray will normally come in canister form, which his often times small enough to be carried in your pocket or in a woman’s purse.

Once the spray is used it will immediately result in dilating of the capillaries in the eyes, resulting in temporary blindness, chocking, coughing, and tearing of the eyes.  The spray will also cause an extremely intense burning on the skin and result in nausea.  The mucous membranes will also begin to swell, making breathing very difficult.  The spray is very painful, often resulting in the individual who was sprayed to double over and fall to the ground.  It causes temporary incapacitation, due to the fact that the individual won’t be able to breathe or see properly.

Although the spray is very effective with most, it may not have as much of an effect on individuals who are on drugs, drunk, or already hysterical.  With these types of people, you may need to give them a couple of quick sprays to the face to get the right effect.  The overall effect on the length of the spray will all depend on the strength of the pepper spray.  Most pepper spray effects will last anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour.

Often times the spray is used with controlling riots or in self defense situations.  Pepper spray is very handy to have in violent assault situations, as a violent assault occurs every few seconds in the United States alone.  Pepper spray is safer to use than guns or knives.  It is also non lethal, although there have been rare cases where pepper spray has lead to death.  In these cases however, there were medical conditions present that the spray aggravated – leading to death.

Pepper spray is great to have around your home, or to carry with you at all times.  If a burglar breaks into your home while you are there, you obviously want something to protect yourself with.  A can of pepper spray is very effective, and can easily stop someone from attacking you.  All it takes is a direct spray to the eyes.

Although it is very effective to have with you, pepper spray is illegal to have in some countries, such as the United Kingdom.  In the United States however, there are some areas that require you to have a license before you can legally carry pepper spray.  Before you buy some pepper spray, you should always make sure that you can legally carry it in the area you live in.

Jul 10, 2012

Improving Your Security And Privacy

Due to the increase in door-to-door salesman, criminals looking to scope out your residence, and other annoyances, you may sometimes feel that answering your door isn’t worth it.  When you do finally answer your door and find a door-to-door salesman, you may have a very tough time getting rid of them.  They will continue to hassle you and keep coming back until you support their group or buy one of their “innovative” products.

To prevent this from happening and keep unwanted company from bothering you, you should use a protective barrier between your door and the street.  You don’t really need a 15 foot high electric fence, as even the most basic of fencing will do the trick.  You can install a simple decorative fence around your yard, complete with locking gate, to keep any type of solicitors at bay.

Although a fence is a great way to achieve privacy, not everyone has a yard that they can build a fence on.  You can also use a gate that blocks entry to your porch or front door, as this way you can keep the gate locked at all times.  The main idea and theory here is to make it difficult to approach the door to your home.  This way, salesman, solicitors, and even snoops will see that it requires a lot of effort to reach you - and they will normally just give up and move on.

Even though a fence or locked gate are great, you can’t overlook a dog either.  A barking dog can be very effective, as trespassers simply can’ t look over a dog that is barking.  Barking dogs aren’t the same as a fence or gate, although they are very common these days.  Keep in mind however, that the effectiveness of a dog with scaring off unwanted guests will greatly depend on the disposition and character of the dog you have.

Nearly every dog will bark when it sees a stranger, although not every dog will prevent someone from coming to your door unless it has been trained to do so.  A lot of door-to-door salesman and snoops deal with dogs on a daily basis, and will normally just ignore the dog and the barking and proceed to come to your door.  If the dog is more of a violent nature and appears ready to strike, then it will be a different store.  If the salesman or snoop notices the dog is ready to bite, he will normally stop in his tracks and turn around - out of the fear of getting bit.

Keep in mind that having a dog doesn’t mean that you have to blood train him or put him on steroids to keep unwanted visitors away.  What you need, is an aggressive dog that will stand his ground and help you keep your privacy.  When a solicitor visits your home and sees your aggressive dog, he won’t want to sacrifice a sale at the risk of getting bit by your dog.

As annoying as door-to-door solicitors are, there are ways that you can improve your security and your privacy around your home.  You can also invest in home surveillance systems as well, to further enhance your privacy and security.  For solicitors, fencing with a locked gate is the best way to go, if you have the room for it.  On the other hand, if you don’t have the space for a fence, you can always use a dog or other options. Privacy and security is very important - which is why you don’t want solicitors invading your space.

Jul 1, 2012

Information Regarding Home Security

A majority of us that reside in the United States are worried about leaving home while either at work or on vacation.  If the neighborhood is considered to be bad in terms of crime, it may be troublesome going to sleep.  A lot of people live in fear or leaving their kids or an old person at home due to the fact that someone could easily break in to their home and harm them.  Due to this fear, some may even hide weapons in the house.

Each and every one of these fears that people develop stems from incidents that have happened in the past to others.  These days, people are getting more cautious about protecting their loved ones and their homes.  Most use burglar alarms, keep their doors locked at all times, never open their doors to strangers, and keep their windows locked.  When going out of town, they will inform neighbors that they will be away – and then will invest in a home security system.

Burglars and intruders alike will often keep a watchful eye on any opportunities that present themselves to gain entrance to a home.  Thieves do their research well and look for any entry that they can use to enter the home such as doors, windows, skylights, and chimneys.  They will also pay attention to any surveillance systems as well, and do their homework on how to disable or avoid them.  If a house is well equipped with alarms, cameras, and motion detectors, a burglar may actually think twice before he attempts to ransack a home.

What many fail to realize is the fact that burglars are smart people.  They spend a lot of time planning to rob a home, carefully studying and watching.  Although locking your doors and windows will help to an extent, it normally won’t keep a determined burglar out of your home.  If a burglar sets his mind to something and has a plan in mind, simply locking your windows and doors isn’t enough.

If you have sturdy and strong doors and windows on your home, it will take the burglar extra time to break in.  In the process, he can easily get caught due to the high level of noise he will make trying to get into the home.  If you have a lot of valuables in your home, you can always invest in a strong fireproof safe to store them in.  To protect the exterior of your home you should have always have good lighting in your yard.

Alarms are popular to use as well, as most will go off the second a burglar tries to open a window or a door.  They are very popular these days, providing a high level of security for your home.  Alarms and surveillance systems include a variety of detectors, control panels, alarms, and cameras.  Although they may cost you a bit of money – the peace of mind and safety of your family is more than worth the investment.

No matter what area you may live in, you can always secure your home. To better secure your home and know what equipment you need, you should always try and understand the frame of mind that burglars use. This way, you’ll know what you need to protect your home.  Home security is a common issue these days and for good reason.  With crime steadily on the rise – protecting your home, your family, and your belongings becomes more and more important.